
What drives our curriculum?

Our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, innovative, culturally diverse and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and for the future. We intend our curriculum to support the Trust ambition that we 'Inspire learners and change lives'.

At The Bewbush Academy, we recognise that children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school wellbeing, on average, have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school, both concurrently and in later years.

Because of this, we have placed the Well-Being of Body and Mind at the centre of our curriculum. We recognise that the following six elements contribute to an all round sense of well-being.

Image result for well-being

Our Wellbeing Wheel



Leading a healthy lifestyle (being active, understanding nutrition and what our bodies need to thrive).



Developing a thirst for knowledge to carry into the future. A curriculum that engages and inspires and is underpinned by the acquisition of key language skills.



'The Bewbush Five' provide the moral compass in which our school community thrives.

  • We are polite and kind to others

  • We bring a positive attitude to school

  • We always try our best

  • We are proud of our school

  • We make the right choice



Forging successful and sustainable relationships. We live in a digital world and this brings great opportunities. However, even though this has opened up our world phenomenally, we feel it is even more important that we are deliberate in teaching our children the importance of the other types of connection - the one that does not happen through Wi-Fi.



Developing a strong sense of their surroundings: taking notice. Teaching geography and increasing our children's global awareness as they begin to grasp their place in their immediate community at school and within their neighbourhood; then extending this to a sense of place within Crawley, Sussex, the United Kingdom, Europe and the world.



Children love nature. They jump at the chance to explore a forest or rock pool and are in awe when snow begins to fall. We seek to translate that innate love of the outdoors into a life-long commitment to caring for our planet. By providing exciting experiences through our outdoor learning programme and instilling simple principles regarding conservation; we foster a healthy connection with our environment.


With careful consideration, we have developed a curriculum that supports our driver of Well-Being of Body and Mind.