EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)

Welcome to our EYFS page, where you will find information about starting at our school and how you can support your child with their learning.

Here at The Bewbush Academy we have an excellent EYFS unit, we are a very happy school with a wonderful mix of children from a range of different countries and backgrounds.  We welcome children of all ability levels and our whole team works hard to meet the needs of all of our pupils.  

We prioritise the development of children's language skills as we believe this builds a strong foundation for learning and development. The children at The Bewbush Academy have exciting opportunities every week to engage with new learning experiences that meet both the children's interests and the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. 


Our EYFS unit has a beautiful, large outside area that is used only by the children in Early Years. The outside area has a well resourced playground with a brand new climbing frame, water area and mud kitchen. There is space for children to engage in imaginative play through building enormous structures with our variety of construction toys, as well as quieter areas for small world play, mark making and reading. Our outside space also includes an allotment where we plant and grow vegetables, flowers and fruit. The children have opportunities everyday to get stuck into gardening, digging and planting!

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Every year the children take part in outdoor learning sessions for the whole half term! They build dens, make fire (safely!) and learn about co-ordinates in the wild 

Our Unit has a beautiful shared area in the centre of the classrooms. This space is used for arts and crafts, small construction, a home corner role play and a reading area. The children access this everyday!

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At The Bewbush Academy, we support the children's learning needs progressively through the year. We adapt our timetables, curriculum and activities through the year to meet the children’s current learning knowledge and needs.

Every day the children will take part in phonics, writing and maths. We also have a ‘Time to talk’ session during snack time to give the children an opportunity to support social development and engage the children in discussions about the wider world around them.

The children have regular opportunities to use our school running track and love to track their laps to see how many they can do!

The unit is made up of three classes. Each class has a role play area, a reading area and a variety of exciting activities to meet their learning across all areas of our curriculum.

We welcome parents into our classrooms to share their child's learning with them through regular stay and play afternoons and parent meetings.

Our EYFS Team



The development of language skills forms the heart of our Early Years Curriculum, which is further tailored to the children’s individual interests that inspires and challenges them.


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We follow the Read, Write, Inc Phonics scheme, which is a synthetic phonics programme that helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another. Once we have learnt the single letter sounds we begin to teach the children to blend the word. We use fred talk games to help us.

We share lots of resources with you throughout the year, but if you would like more information about the programme click here.



We read, discuss and explore lots of exciting stories in our Literacy lessons. We start the year by learning to write our names and lower case letters.



We have lots of lovely stories for children to explore independently in class. We have story time at the end of each day. Books are changed three times a week. This includes a story book for adults to read to their child and a phonics reading book for your child to read. Reading and sharing stories everyday is essential when supporting your child to learnt to read.




We focus on developing a good understanding of numbers to 10. We explore numbers in lots of different ways.



Supporting Independence

Before starting school, we encourage you to focus on the following areas with your child.

· Toileting

· Recognising their name.

· Getting dressed independently.

· Being responsible for their own belongings.

· Provide lots of opportunities for mark making, holding equipment  or tools correctly. 

· Writing their name in lowercase letters.

· Using a knife and fork independently.

Independence list Toilets

We promote good handwashing, using hand dryers and independence in using the toilets.

Steps to starting school