If You Are Worried

Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) or neglect can have a damaging effect on a child’s physical and mental health, educational attainment and emotional well-being.

Some changes in a child’s behaviour may not necessarily indicate that a child is suffering abuse or neglect. In some cases those changes may be symptoms of a hidden disability, undiagnosed medical condition or a change in medication.

If you become concerned about:

  1. Comments made by a child
  2. Marks or bruising on a child
  3. Changes in a child’s behaviour
  4. Changes in a child’s appearance

Please report these concerns to one of our Safeguarding team, either by telephoning the school and asking to speak to one of the team or by emailing dsl@bewbush-tkat.org

You can also make an anonymous referral to West Sussex Integrated Front Door (IFD) through their website
